
Showing posts from January, 2021

DPF Diaper Party - Part 2

      As I sucked on the baby bottle filled with apple juice I looked around the room at the crowd of people who had gathered for the diaper party.  Daddy had finally succeeded in accompanying him to the party as his sissy baby girl or as he liked to call me:  his "padded princess."     What seemed most odd to me at the party were quite a few men who were there simply in diapers, not in any other kind of baby outfits or acting as if they were little boys.  Daddy explained this to me ahead of time.  "Not everyone there falls into either a Daddy-Mommy or baby role.  Some just enjoy being in diapers."  This group seemed to make up the largest single type of people at the party.   I think the next largest groups were the babies and Daddies which seemed equally split.  There was one Mommy there with her husband who was a baby, but not in the playpen with me, and another woman there who wore diapers and was with h...

DPF Diaper Parties

This is the first in a series about my experience with an older Daddy when I was in college.  Daddy John introduced me to the world of adult babies and diaper lovers.  I hope you enjoy.          At the party I was put in a big makeshift playpen in the middle of the room with two other adult babies.  Both were baby boys while I was dressed as a sissy baby girl; both my preference and the preference of Daddy John, the Daddy who brought me to the party.  The playpen was made of a plastic gate about three feet high and took up most of one of the rooms in the host's home.  There were probably about twenty-five people at the partly, mostly male with the exception of three females.       I was at my first "DPF" party.  DPF stood for Diaper Pail Friends, a club that had been formed sometime in the 1980's.  More than a year before the party I had answered an ad in a weekly alternative newspaper in the big c...

Coming Soon!!!

 There's nothing here just yet, but hopefully soon there will be! I'm Nicki, born Nicholas but always a "Nancy-boy", a submissive CD whose fascination with the adult baby lifestyle goes back to when I was only 6 or 7 years old and had no idea why I loved being in diapers, sucking on pacifiers and wearing rhumba panties. Now that things are clearer, I'd like to share my fantasies here with you in my personal adult baby playpen...why not join me soon? Let's be babies together!     baby nicki